Hear What Real Customers Have To Say...
"The Program Has Helped Me Sell Consistently"

-- Jared Noel, President and Founder Noel Enterprises, LLC
When i decided to get into the Door To Door sales industry, I never knew i would be doing it for as long as i have been. My best piece of advice i give to people who are looking to get better selling Door To Door is get the proper training you deserve early and as quick as you can. Paul Shakuri is a man who not only knows what he is talking about, he has proven time and time again in person that he can outsell, teach and dedicate all in one place. Thank you so much for helping me learn the fundamentals, keep up the great work
Jared Noel, President and Founder Noel Enterprises, LLC

-- Chaz Parks, ADS Security Atlanta, Georgia

-- Mark Ramirez, Father, Husband, and soon to be Pastor
The one thing i can say is i actually had the chance to knock doors with Paul Shakuri. Within 3 doors i witnessed him close a sale that was worth over $500. I was hooked, i knew i had to figure this door to door sales thing out and thank God i did. I now am working at becoming a pastor and starting a church after Lord willing i continue to grow my wealth so that i can share it.
Father, Husband and Soon To Be Pastor

-- Caleb Antonucci, Sun Solar, Phoenix Arizona
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-- Samuel Holt, ADS Security, Los Angeles California
I began in the Mortgage industry selling mortgages in the good times making great money. it wasn’t until the economic bad times that as everyone knows the mortgage industry along with the housing collapsed. I had to switch careers by force. i decide to become a police officer, only to fail the test by a few points. I then went on to looking for a new job and i ran into Paul. I still remember his story video i saw where he was talking about living in an apartment with nothing to his name, only to finally make great money selling Door to Door.
I knew i could do door to door however i didn’t start off doing well right away. Over time i got ahold of Paul’s training courses learned them but didn’t do anything with it. Of corse i didn’t get the results i wanted because i wasn’t implementing his teachings. By this time i was doing ok, learning it on my own however it wasn’t until i really wanted to make more that i took it serious and started to really listen to what Paul was teaching. I tell you, so many of you are going to waste your time trying to figure it out on your own if you don’t just listen are implement what that man teaches. Thank God i did, and yes i really am happy that i failed my police physical ! Thanks Paul Shakuri, your work is amazing.
John Iaboni, Zonabay LLC, www.zonabay.com

-- John Iaboni, Glendale Arizona

-- Sarah Boardman, Amex Customer relationship management
Paul is the real deal. After serving a mission in Los Angels for my church i came out to Arizona to work at a local alarm company. Paul has taught me the reasons why people are not engaging with me off the bat. After discovering this and how to work around it my sales went through the roof. Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to work with you.
Sarah Boardman, Amex Customer relationship management
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