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How to Close More Sales Using the Assumptive Sale Method

This is crazy freaky and I mean it! You are going to want to follow along and continue reading because today we are going to be discussing the main questions many sales reps tend to be asking your potential customer. Do you want to buy what I have to offer? So, is this something you want to do? Ladies and gentleman, those are the questions that you do NOT want to ask and here are the reasons why!

Many of you are having difficulties locking and engaging with the potential customers. “Hello Mr. Prospect, how are you? …These are my products and my services…!” Now don’t get deterred by this! It just means you haven’t developed the skills to be able to lock and engage the customer when selling
door to door. Selling can be seen as baby steps. You have to be able to sell each step along the way in the sales process to ultimately get to “the sale.” What does that mean exactly? Well, when we are knocking on doors there are some pros and cons to door knocking.

Let’s discuss the pros of door knocking. Firstly, if you knock on the door and mess up or forget what you have to say you can stay and try and get the sale or you can move forward to the next door. Square up and start over “hello Mr. Prospect,” moving on to the next person. Here is what gets scary! Many of those on my door to door mastery list and are a member of the program have inquired about how to be assumptive when selling door to door. No one is going to buy based on a binary question! What does that mean? Yes and No answer to a question. The potential customer is only given the option of saying yes or no to the product if you are asking a binary question. You are inside the house and are doing the demonstration and then you bring up the binary question. The majority of people are not confident to just say yes when you haven’t done a powerful presentation to feel that the product or service is what they absolutely want or absolutely need.

You see, you gain experience over time and begin to excel in the process of door to door selling. DO NOT ASK BINARY QUESTIONS! You have to be assumptive!

Me: “What time do you want my technician to be at your door to install the product? 3 pm? 5 pm? 7 pm?”
Potential Customer: “Wait, I am getting this?”

Me: “Well, most people say yes to the offer once they see the presentation and know about the product, they really only need to decide on what time the installation will take place following seeing what it is I have to offer.”

You are going to have to get assumptive and discard those binary questions! The majority of sales reps say that they do that! They say that their closing pitch asks them what time works for them? If you are not taking the steps and trying to rush through the entire process and are not brewing up yeses
throughout your pitch, if you’re not building up value when it comes to closing without all of this, not even being assumptive will work. I did have this issue when I first got started. Now, we all go through this, getting good at sales requires many stages. There is a reason why salespeople are the highest paid earners for almost any typical job. You can go and work for somebody and make millions of dollars doing sales. Look at Grand Cardone for example.

Why do people make a lot of money in sales? Well, it comes with the job! It’s not like you can take a script and read directly what it is you have to say to get that deal. Sale’s is a multitude of many different strategies and techniques. In door to door sales and in most cases in sales going through the pitch and getting to that place where you are being assumptive, can be a scary place.

Everything I teach is to give you all the knowledge and the understanding of how to use the fundamentals properly in order to become a good salesperson. If there is a mentor out there in whatever it is you want to master you have to use your resources, you have to coach and provide the process on how to master the craft. You cannot give a binary question for a close, you absolutely have to go with being assumptive and assuming that the potential customer already wants the product and when you do and have it backed up by an awesome pitch from the start, then you will get those sales door to door. We are committed to sharing a post in my blog every week and I do want to share more information with you. If you followed through this reading then please drop off a comment, that really means a lot to me. From my family to yours today marks a really big line in our careers, my career, my teams’ career. today I am heading out to dinner with Stanley Black and Decker, we secured a wonderful agreement with them where we are an exclusive provider for them through our software company through fillquick.com. I had a vision when I was younger that I would make it in this industry and make it big. A lot of my family members didn’t believe that I would succeed and I still stood my ground and kept at it. So, keep at it too and see how far you can get with your career.

Do not forget to subscribe to my free video series and remember only you can determine your success based on how much effort you put into getting there! Peace!

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