What’s up door to door mastery fans?! It’s your boy Paul Shakuri! I am bringing the heat this time around! You have been all asking me over and over and over and over and over again, what is the best sales pitch when selling door to door? What do I say at the doors? If you are a follower, you know I break into the details but the majority want me to get to the point! Well, I’m a detailed person and I go into detail of how to go about your opener pitch and if you are not up for the details then perhaps this isn’t the blog for you! I am here to let you know that there is no straight phrase or answer to an opener pitch! Sales are not something where you say this and get that, that would be robotic sales. Now, my door to …
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Sales Pitch Door to Door Doesn’t have to be perfect Here’s Why
Welcome everyone to another important topic to discuss! Today we are going to be taking a deeper look into the opener pitch. What I mean by a deeper look is simple. I mean that your opener pitch does not have to be perfect and I am going to give you the exact reason as to why it does not have to be perfect. I am focussing on the opener pitch because I have been getting many comments that the opener pitch is not working for many people. “Paul, can you correct my opener pitch? My pitch isn’t working? Is my pitch perfect? How should I start my opener pitch?” They are looking for an answer on how to close that sale by altering their opener pitch in a specific way or say that magic phrase to make it happen. I am here to tell you this when I pitch at …
Read More »Door to Door Sales Opener Pitch Training Video
What’s going on door to door mastery fans?! I am going to cut right to the chase! Today I am going to be focussing on the opener pitch! Yes, that is right! The opener pitch. I know I have touched base on the opener pitch before and some of you may find that I repeat much of the information shared from pasts posts and the reason behind this is because I want the information to get embedded in your head. This way, it becomes a natural process once you go out there and knock on those doors. Now, the mass majority of you are thinking that you will not be able to get further in your sales because you have not mastered the opener pitch. Although this may be true there is more to it then meets the eye. I am not trying to put you all down or insult …
Read More »Overview Of A Complete Sale | Don’t Jump Steps…
All of us want to get out there and close more deals – that’s a given. Often times I see average reps feeling left out because top sales reps keep going out, getting excited, and closing deals. It is very typical for the average rep to believe that excitement and feeling good is all they need in order to close a sale. How many times have you heard a sales representative say, “I don’t oow why I didn’t get a sale today… I felt really good and confidentck.” Sales is an art, and until mastered you will need more than just excitement to close a ton of sales. I want you to always keep in mind the reason that you wanted to do door to door sales in the first place. Many say money, while others say exposure of brand. Regardless of the reason you chose to sell door to door, you need to understand …
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