Our main objective today is to address how to increase your sales when selling door to door. I will tell you that I will buy from an individual if they are trustworthy and have a good sense of humor. These to me are just some of the few characteristics one should have when entering the door to door sales profession. Another important characteristic to have when selling door to door is to be able to handle rejections. Many people in this profession tend to beat themselves up when they do not get the sale or the outcome they desired with a potential customer. This could lead to one’s downfall if not corrected. I am here to let you know that when I began in the industry of door to door sales, I was rejected many times. This is common when you are new to the profession and I am sure …
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Increase Door to Door Sales
Are you ready to review your weekly goals, monthly goals, closing ratio and all of the good stuff that comes along with that? Well, be glad that you chose today to read my blog post because this is what we will be focusing on throughout. Patience, creating goals, motivation are all key ingredients for closing those deals. You really need to learn and understand patience in anything you do in life. Once you master patience you can really achieve anything in life, you can accomplish all of your goals and stay focus. I am sure that the majority of you are not where you want to be at this given time. I promise you because I understand how our mind works as humans. We have been conditioned and sometimes we feel down and we do not want to get ourselves to that next level because we are demotivated! Does that …
Read More »Humbled Door Knocker but Not Limited and Capped
What’s up everyone?! Paul Shakuri here with another door to door mastery! We are going to openly discuss everything about what you need to know about being humbled and on how to increase your sales while being humbled. Excitement and motivation! Do you have these two qualities while knocking on doors? Both of these go hand in hand, but most importantly they are connected with humbleness and gratitude. I will tell you how just keep reading! First off, I want to discuss gratitude. What does it mean to be grateful? What do you think it means? Just because I’m super grateful for what I have or where I’m at doesn’t mean it’s the end all. I am going to continually push myself and reflect back and think of all the positive things that I have created and the opportunities that others have given me to just be here. To start being …
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