What is your life’s purpose? I know a lot of you scour the internet and find a lot of different people teaching you how to find your life’s purpose. If you’re reading this, it’s more than likely that you’re looking to develop your mind but also to find what it is you were created to do! When you start creating what you love, and you create solutions for the problems people have, you end up being happy and the people who purchase your products are happy. This ultimately turns into a win-win situation and is why finding out your life’s purpose is essential for you to be successful! My goal as a mentor is to help you rise from where you are today, and I know you’re not lazy, I’ve heard a lot of people say “Oh he isn’t successful because he’s lazy”; That’s BULLCRAP. More often than not it’s …
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My Tips To Get To The Top
On my way to work today, I saw another alarm company which was signing up a gentleman right around the corner. After seeing that, I just wanted to reach out to you all in the industry to express that when you see someone closing a deal, don’t interfere with them, and I’ll give you two main reasons for it: There are so many opportunities out there, so it doesn’t matter if someone else takes one, you just keep knocking from door to door pitching your potential clients and do your best no matter what. More importantly, you know as much as I do, how great it feels after all that cold calling, and knocking from door to door when you get a customer and are about to close a deal. How would you feel if someone else just swoops in and interferes with your efforts and risks losing your client? …
Read More »You feel like shit! On top of that you walk away
You get excited to knock on that door. You start to talk to the customer. The person who answered the door doesn’t want to have anything to do with you. You can sense the fact that he is waiting for you to shut the hell up so he can get on with his day does this sound familiar? If so then read the rest of this blog post. Most of you need to get your head together. I really mean this. Take a look at your life and ask yourself. How happy are you? Think about the following aspects of your life and rate it from 1 to 10. 10 being the most. Health Wealth Relationships Spirituality Finances Confidence Happiness Be honest with yourselves. This will really help you understand why you get rejected and feel like shit. I recently did a webinar called increasing engagement with your customers. If …
Read More »How To Find The Motivation To Knock On Doors Selling
Frustration, It’s killing your sales
I get it, you are frustrated as heck that you aren’t where you want to be. I wish I could wave a wand around and just make you start selling. The reality is, it just doesn’t work that way. You have to know that door to door sales requires many things. The first is you have to be willing to dedicate time to both knocking and learning. The only way you are going to get better is if you absolutely want to. When things get tough, how hard are you willing to push through before you absolutely succeed. Most people will not make it as a door knocker because they just didn’t fight hard enough to learn what works for them. Here is where frustration kicks in. Do you kick yourself, beat yourself up and say “WHY ME?” Why can’t I just freaking sell? The reason you tell yourself this …
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